At Forensic Foundations, we are committed to spirited learning, growth and professional development. We empower our students to ask insightful questions, explore disciplinary boundaries, and confront conventional ways of thinking. We invite you to open your mind to a new way of thinking when it comes to how Forensic Professionals and Crime Scene Investigators perform their job. Within insightful knowledge from our staff, comprised of highly experienced and tenured investigators, the information that is relayed in a variety of educational formats will provide you with the foundation you need to build your successful forensic career.
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Since 2005, the Forensic Foundations instructors have been providing students with a rich and diverse learning environment. Knowledge, creativity and hands-on experience have always been at our core, and we’re proud of the students who have attended classes taught by our instructors. We always encourage both staff and students to grow, learn and create each passing day. For us, the shining star is seeing our students outperform others in the field in their pursuit of the truth.